It's been nearly a month since my last update, so much for trying to be more regular with updates! In my defense, I took one of these weeks as a break from this project and I have also started another big-ish project that I'm going to be doing alongside this projcet.
First, lets start with the bigger news. I'm ready to begin the retopology stage! I think I'm happy with the body mesh overall so I can start to retopologise, which will enable to me to focus on her clothes afterwards, as the polycount of the mesh has been giving me issues with Marvelous Designer, so I decided to wait until I had a lower poly retopped and (hopefully) final mesh to beging cloth simming over.
In the renders, theres a few issues with the body mesh clipping in places where it should with the clothes, but this is due to a bit of a sloppy job placing the clothes over her body mesh in zbrush and this dhoudlnt be an issue when I resimming the clothing over the retopped mesh.

Total Time Spent: 172 hours